Accomplished in 2014/2015
Achieving a Better Life Experience Accounts (S.2770 | P.L.2015, c.185.): In an effort to help individuals with disabilities improve their financial security, Senate President Sweeney and Senator Addiego worked to establish a law that created the New Jersey Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program, which is a way for individuals with disabilities to save tax-free for eligible expenses, such as housing, education and transportation, without losing eligibility for Medicaid and other benefits.
Superstorm Sandy Aid Money (S.2825 | P.L.2015, c.102.): Tens of thousands of New Jerseyans had their lives upended by Superstorm Sandy and, at the time, at least 15,000 families were waiting to rebuild their homes. Senate President Sweeney and Senator Greenstein worked to pass a law designed to increase the efficiency, transparency and accountability in the disbursement of aid to Superstorm Sandy victims. Under the law, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is required to publish that information on an easy-to-access website so that homeowners can follow the progress of their paperwork.
School Athletics for Developmentally Disabled (S.2079 | P.L.2014, c.10.): Senate President Sweeney and Senator Addiego led the effort to establish a law that ensures students with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate in team sports. This law requires school districts with students with disabilities to allow those students to try out for and if selected, participate in mainstream athletic programs.
Domestic Violence Revisions (S.2559 | P.L.2015, c.98.): After receiving more information from the Attorney General’s office in response to a request for review of the state’s Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) laws, Senate President Sweeney along with Senators Weinberg and O’Toole worked to pass a law that toughens the eligibility rules of pre-trial intervention in cases of domestic violence. PTI is a diversionary program that allows offenders to avoid jail time under certain circumstances.
“Superstorm Sandy Bill of Rights” (S.1306): Many of the victims of Hurricane Sandy are still waiting for assistance from the state because of a system that is cluttered with red tape and confusing, sometimes conflicting, requirements. Senate President Sweeney pushed a bill that would take the confusion out of the process and help ensure aid is spread in proportion to damage.